皮尔斯堡为40多度低温的无家可归者提供临时冷天气庇护所。 Fort Pierce opens temporary cold weather shelter for homeless amid low 40s temperatures.
Pierce堡在D大道Percy Peek Gym为1月7日和8日开放一个寒冷天气庇护所, Fort Pierce opens a cold weather shelter at Percy Peek Gym on Avenue D for January 7th and 8th, offering warmth, meals, and safety as temperatures dip to the low 40s. 在地方政府的支持下,该庇护所由基督形象组织,从下午5时至上午8时开放。 从下午6时开始,从不同地点提供免费交通。 过去三年的组织者Hazel Hoylman牧师呼吁建立永久性庇护所,帮助无家可归者。 Organized by In the Image of Christ with local government support, the shelter is open from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. Free transportation is provided from various locations starting at 6 p.m. Pastor Hazel Hoylman, organizer for the past three years, calls for a permanent shelter to aid the homeless. 圣露西县建议把宠物带到室内 因为寒冷。 St. Lucie County advises bringing pets indoors due to the cold.