佛蒙特州在Burlington和Barre开设紧急避难所, Vermont opens emergency shelters in Burlington and Barre as sub-zero temperatures hit the region.
由于气温低于零度,在佛蒙特州伯灵顿和巴雷开设了紧急冷天气庇护所。 Emergency cold weather shelters have opened in Burlington and Barre, Vermont, due to sub-zero temperatures. Miller中心的Burlington收容所从1月21日至22日运作,而Barre的收容所则从1月20日至24日开放,由美国红十字会经营。 The Burlington shelter at Miller Center runs from January 21 to 22, while Barre's shelter, operated with the American Red Cross, is open from January 20 to 24. 两者都向有需要的人提供服务,包括宠物津贴和在Burlington的交通。 Both offer services to those in need, including pet allowance and transportation in Burlington. 目前,佛蒙特州和州立收容所约有250人无家可归,国家气象局警告说,气温和风寒十分寒冷。 With about 250 people currently homeless in Vermont and state shelters at capacity, the National Weather Service warns of dangerously cold temperatures and wind chills.