ExxonMobil控告加利福尼亚州总检察长和环境团体对塑料回收的诽谤。 ExxonMobil sues California Attorney General and environmental groups over claims of defamation on plastic recycling.
ExsonMabil起诉加利福尼亚州总检察长Rob Bonta及若干环境团体, 指控他们诽谤有关公司塑料回收工作的指控。 ExxonMobil has sued California Attorney General Rob Bonta and several environmental groups, accusing them of defamation over claims about the company's plastic recycling efforts. 埃克森公司辩称,关于回收计划的虚假指控损害了其声誉。 Exxon argues that false accusations regarding its recycling programs have harmed its reputation. 这一法律行动加剧了石油巨人与环境倡导者之间在塑料废物和回收索赔方面的冲突。 This legal action escalates the conflict between the oil giant and environmental advocates over plastic waste and recycling claims.