缅因州AG起诉大型石油公司在化石燃料对气候的影响问题上欺骗公众。 Maine's AG sues major oil firms for deceiving public on climate impacts of fossil fuels.
缅因州总检察长Aaron Frey对大型石油公司提出诉讼,指控它们欺骗公众了解化石燃料对气候变化的影响。 Maine's Attorney General, Aaron Frey, has filed a lawsuit against major oil companies, accusing them of deceiving the public about the impacts of fossil fuels on climate change. 州法院的诉讼声称,英国石油公司、Chevron公司、ExxonMabil公司、壳牌公司和Sunoco公司以及美国石油研究所都了解自1960年代以来化石燃料对气候造成的严重影响,但没有警告公众。 The lawsuit in state court alleges that companies like BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and Sunoco, along with the American Petroleum Institute, knew about the severe climate impacts from fossil fuels since the 1960s but did not warn the public. 缅因州寻求追究这些公司对气候变化造成的财务、公共卫生和环境损害的责任。 Maine seeks to hold these companies accountable for the financial, public health, and environmental damages caused by climate change.