加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 在支持率下降和内部冲突中辞职九年。 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau resigns after nine years amid falling support and internal strife.
加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多 (Justin Trudeau) 宣布辞职,由于公众支持率下降和党内冲突,他在任职近九年后辞职。 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his resignation, stepping down after nearly nine years in office due to declining public support and internal party strife. 特鲁多将继续担任临时总理,直到选出新的领导人,主要竞争者包括 Chrystia Freeland、Mark Carney 和 Mélanie Joly。 Trudeau will remain interim PM until a new leader is chosen, with key contenders including Chrystia Freeland, Mark Carney, and Mélanie Joly. 以皮埃尔·波利耶夫 (Pierre Poilievre) 为首的保守党现在在民意调查中以 47% 的支持率领先,比前几个月有所上升。 Conservatives, led by Pierre Poilievre, now lead in polls with 47% support, up from previous months. 特鲁多的离职为自由党的关键领导层竞选和选举奠定了基础。 Trudeau's departure sets the stage for a pivotal leadership race and election for the Liberals.