两名中国公民因在从中国到美国的非法芬太尼贸易中扮演的角色而在纽约面临终身监禁。 Two Chinese citizens face life in prison in New York for their role in the illicit fentanyl trade from China to the US.
两名中国公民Wang Qingzhou和Chen Yiyi因涉嫌非法芬太尼交易在纽约受审, Two Chinese citizens, Wang Qingzhou and Chen Yiyi, are on trial in New York for charges involving the illicit fentanyl trade, marking a significant effort to curb the drug's flow from China to the US. 他们是在斐济被捕的,一旦被定罪,将面临终身监禁。 They were arrested in Fiji and face up to life in prison if convicted. Fentanyl吸毒过量激增,成为18至45岁美国人死亡的主要原因。 Fentanyl overdoses have surged, becoming a leading cause of death among Americans aged 18 to 45. 该案凸显了美中两国在毒品管制与合作问题上的紧张关系。 The case highlights tensions between the US and China over drug regulation and cooperation.