Rottnest岛附近海机坠毁造成3人受伤,3人失踪;原因正在调查中。 Seaplane crash near Rottnest Island leaves 3 injured, 3 missing; cause under investigation.
星期二,在澳大利亚珀斯岸外的罗特内斯特岛附近,一架海上飞机坠毁,造成3名乘客重伤,另有3人失踪。 A seaplane crashed near Rottnest Island, off Perth, Australia, on Tuesday, leaving three passengers with serious injuries and three others missing. 这架私营飞机载有7人,其中包括飞行员,在起飞后不久击中Thompson湾附近的水面。 The privately-owned aircraft, carrying seven people including the pilot, hit the water near Thompson Bay shortly after takeoff. 应急服务和民用船只作出迅速反应,4人获救,3人空运到医院。 Emergency services and civilian vessels responded swiftly, with four individuals rescued and three airlifted to hospitals. 坠机原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the crash remains under investigation. 罗特内斯特岛是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,它离珀斯海岸约20公里。 Rottnest Island, a popular tourist destination, is about 20 kilometers off the coast of Perth.