飞机在鲨鱼岛附近的悉尼港坠毁。 Plane crashes in Sydney Harbour near Shark Island.
一架在悉尼港玫瑰湾和鲨鱼岛之间飞行的水上飞机在起飞时左浮筒脱出并断开连接后坠毁。 A seaplane flying between Rose Bay and Shark Island in Sydney Harbour crashed after its left float dislodged and became disconnected during take-off. 飞机载有八名乘客,但在沉没前全部安全撤离。 The aircraft was carrying eight passengers, but all safely evacuated before it sank. 飞机在事故中可能遇到了异常的海浪,但故障的确切原因仍在调查中。 The plane may have encountered a rogue wave during the incident, although the exact cause of the failure remains under investigation.