一架轻型飞机在澳大利亚的Tinamba West附近坠毁,造成飞行员和两名乘客死亡。 A light plane crashed near Tinamba West, Australia, killing the pilot and two passengers.
澳大利亚维多利亚州Tinamba West附近的轻型飞机坠毁造成飞行员和两名乘客在星期六下午5时45分左右死亡。 A light plane crash near Tinamba West, Victoria, Australia, resulted in the deaths of the pilot and two passengers on Saturday at around 5:45 pm. 目击者报告,飞机在坠毁前在该地区盘旋,并起火。 Witnesses reported the plane circling the area before it crashed and caught fire. 澳大利亚交通安全局正在对坠机原因进行调查。 The cause of the crash is under investigation by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.