Ross Buchan在洛根纳的航班上 面临炸弹威胁的指控 并向未成年人发送明确的内容 Ross Buchan faces charges for a bomb threat on a Loganair flight and sending explicit content to a minor.
一名20岁的男子名叫罗斯·布昌,来自邓迪,他出庭受审,被控对洛根纳航班进行虚假的炸弹威胁,并向一名儿童发送明确的内容。 A 20-year-old man named Ross Buchan from Dundee appeared in court facing charges of making a false bomb threat regarding a Loganair flight and sending explicit content to a child. 1月4日的炸弹威胁导致航班延迟。 The bomb threat on January 4 led to flight delays. Buchan没有提出抗辩,但被逮捕并还押候审,下一次出庭定于下周。 Buchan, who did not enter a plea, was arrested and remanded in custody, with his next court appearance scheduled for next week.