一名 18 岁少年因在曼彻斯特亚伯拉罕莫斯中心制造炸弹恶作剧而被捕;未发现威胁。 18-year-old arrested for bomb hoax at Abraham Moss Centre in Manchester; no threat found.
6 月 8 日,曼彻斯特亚伯拉罕莫斯中心发生炸弹恐吓事件,一名 18 岁少年因涉嫌恶意通信而被捕。 18-year-old arrested on suspicion of malicious communications after a bomb hoax at the Abraham Moss Centre in Manchester on June 8. 警察和消防部门赶到现场,以防万一疏散公众。 Police and fire services attended the scene, evacuating members of the public as a precaution. 在搜查该建筑时没有发现可信的威胁。 No credible threat was found during the search of the building. 犯罪嫌疑人仍被警方拘留审问。 The suspect remains in police custody for questioning.