康涅狄格州高中因炸弹威胁被捕的青少年 被控一级威胁罪 Teen arrested for bomb threat at Connecticut high school, charged with first-degree threatening.
11月7日, 一名16岁的孩子因在康涅狄格州Meriden的Platt高中遭到炸弹威胁而被捕。 A 16-year-old was arrested for making a bomb threat to Platt High School in Meriden, Connecticut, via social media on November 7. 调查涉及地方和州机构,导致一级威胁和二级破坏和平的指控。 The investigation involved local and state agencies, leading to charges of first-degree threatening and second-degree breach of peace. 当局强调这种威胁的起因受到干扰,需要大量资源来应对。 Authorities emphasized the disruption such threats cause and the extensive resources needed to respond. 青少年还将面临学校纪律。 The teen will also face school discipline.