嫌犯因在社交媒体上威胁对高中生使用枪支暴力而被逮捕。 Suspect arrested for threatening gun violence against high school students on social media.
一名嫌疑人被捕,被控在圣诞日对丹尼斯-耶尔茅斯地区高中的特定学生进行威胁性社交媒体文章。 A suspect was arrested and charged with making threatening social media posts against specific students at Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School on Christmas Day. 这些哨所威胁使用枪支暴力。 The posts threatened gun violence. 嫌犯的身份尚未公布,被控进行炸弹/劫持威胁,引起严重的公众恐慌,并于12月27日在奥尔良地区法院被传讯。 The suspect, whose identity has not been released, was charged with making bomb/hijack threats causing serious public alarm and was arraigned in Orleans District Court on December 27.