里士满皇家骑警注意到商店偷盗报告显著增加,导致2024年逮捕和起诉更多人。 Richmond RCMP saw a significant rise in shoplifting reports, leading to more arrests and charges in 2024.
2024年,里士满皇家骑警发现商店行窃报告增加了25%,共计1 704通电话,导致逮捕527人,指控增加63%。 In 2024, Richmond RCMP saw a 25% rise in shoplifting reports, totaling 1,704 calls, leading to 527 arrests and a 63% increase in charges. 警方进行了13次"抢劫"行动, 收回了超过57,300美元的被盗物品. The police conducted 13 "Boost & Bust" operations, recovering over $57,300 in stolen items. 为打击盗窃,加拿大皇家骑警正在与零售预防损失小组合作,加强高风险地区的巡逻,鼓励公众迅速报告可疑活动。 To combat theft, the RCMP is collaborating with retail loss prevention teams and enhancing patrols in high-risk areas, encouraging the public to report suspicious activity promptly.