Panasonic Energy旨在减少美国电动汽车电池对中国供应商的依赖。 Panasonic Energy aims to reduce reliance on Chinese suppliers for U.S. electric vehicle batteries.
Panasonic Energy是Tesla公司的关键供应商,它正在优先减少对中国供应商在美国制造的电动汽车电池的依赖,目的是使供应链独立于中国。 Panasonic Energy, a key supplier to Tesla, is prioritizing the reduction of its reliance on Chinese suppliers for electric vehicle batteries made in the U.S., aiming to make the supply chain independent of China. 这一行动是对新任主席期间关税可能增加的回应。 This move comes as a response to potential increased tariffs under the new presidency. 目前,大多数美国制造的电池来自国际供应商,包括加拿大。 Currently, most of the U.S.-made batteries are sourced from international suppliers, including Canada.