在西雅图南公园的争端中,有人在脚踝上中弹;尚未查明嫌疑人。 Man shot in the ankle during a dispute in Seattle's South Park; no suspects identified yet.
西雅图南公园附近的一个男子在凌晨1点前脚踝被射中。 警察发现受害者和他的朋友,受害者因枪伤流血。 A man was shot in the ankle in Seattle's South Park neighborhood just before 1 a.m. Police found the victim and his friend, with the victim bleeding from a gunshot wound. 尽管存在语言障碍,但军官们了解到他身处附近的争端中。 Despite a language barrier, officers learned he had been in a nearby dispute. 受害者处于稳定状态,被送到港景医疗中心。 The victim, in stable condition, was taken to Harborview Medical Center. 没有发现嫌疑人,抢劫和持枪暴力股的侦探正在调查。 No suspects were identified, and detectives from the robbery and gun violence units are investigating. 进一步的细节尚待确定。 Further details are pending.