男子在西雅图南亨德森街附近开枪6次;医院情况严重。 Man shot six times near South Henderson Street in Seattle; in serious condition at hospital.
在西雅图的南公园附近,一名男子在星期五晚上8点06分左右,在南亨德森街附近遭到6次枪击。 In Seattle's South Park neighborhood, a man was shot six times near South Henderson Street around 8:06 p.m. Friday. 受害人受枪伤,包括颈部一枪伤,被带往港景医疗中心,伤势严重。 The victim, suffering from gunshot wounds including one to the neck, was taken to Harborview Medical Center in serious condition. 警方正在调查,但关于动机和嫌疑人的详细情况仍不清楚。 Police are investigating, but details on motives and suspects remain unclear.