男子腹部中枪,配合嫌疑人,正在印第安纳州埃文斯维尔进行调查。 Man shot in abdomen, cooperating suspect, ongoing investigation in Evansville, Indiana.
在印第安纳州埃文斯维尔,一名男子在华盛顿大道的一次争吵中腹部中弹后住院。 In Evansville, Indiana, a man was hospitalized after being shot in the abdomen during an altercation on Washington Avenue. 事件发生在凌晨12点05分左右,受害人有意识,与警方沟通。 The incident occurred around 12:05 AM, and the victim was conscious and communicative with police. 指称的枪手留在现场,与当局合作。 The alleged shooter remained at the scene and cooperated with authorities. 埃文斯维尔警察局正在调查这一事件,但尚未逮捕任何人。 The Evansville Police Department is investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made yet.