KKR考虑出售其在日本连锁超市Seiyu的多数股权,价值数十亿。 KKR considers selling its majority stake in Japanese supermarket chain Seiyu, valued at billions.
美国私人股权公司KKR正在考虑出售其在日本连锁超市Seiyu的多数股权,可能价值数十亿美元。 American private equity firm KKR is considering selling its majority stake in Japanese supermarket chain Seiyu, potentially worth several billion dollars. 招标进程已经开始,日本主要零售商和投资基金争夺控制权。 A bidding process has begun, with major Japanese retailers and investment funds vying for control. 沃尔玛15%的股权预计也将出售,最终买主很可能在2月之前选定。 Walmart's 15% stake is also expected to be sold, with a final buyer likely to be chosen by February.