克什米尔警察没收了Rs 1与贩毒有关的庄稼财产,以打击非法贩毒活动。 Kashmir police seize Rs 1 crore property linked to drug trafficking to combat illegal drug trade.
查谟和克什米尔的Anantnag警察扣押了价值约1卢比的与贩毒所得有关的财产。 The Anantnag Police in Jammu and Kashmir have seized a property worth about Rs 1 crore linked to drug trafficking proceeds. 该财产属于Khurshid Ahmad Dar,涉及一起重大的毒品案件。 The property belongs to Khurshid Ahmad Dar, involved in a major narcotics case. 这一行动旨在摧毁支持非法药物贸易的金融网络,并保护社会免受药物滥用之害。 This action aims to dismantle the financial networks supporting illegal drug trade and protect society from drug abuse. 警察鼓励公众支持创建一个无毒品的社会。 The police encourage public support to create a drug-free society.