Anantnag警察没收查谟和克什米尔贩毒分子价值1.5卢比的财产。 Anantnag Police seize properties worth Rs 1.5 crore from drug traffickers in Jammu and Kashmir.
查谟和克什米尔的Anantnag警察没收了价值1.5卢比的财产,作为打击贩毒活动的一部分。 Anantnag Police in Jammu and Kashmir have seized properties worth Rs 1.5 crore as part of a crackdown on drug trafficking. 这些财产包括惯犯Afroz Ahmad Bhat拥有的一所Rs 80 lakh住宅,以及Shah兄弟拥有的三家商业商店,价值70 lakhRs,他们因与毒品有关的多项罪行正在接受调查。 The properties include a Rs 80 lakh residential house owned by Afroz Ahmad Bhat, a habitual offender, and three commercial shops worth Rs 70 lakh owned by the Shah brothers, who are under investigation for multiple drug-related offenses. 警方称,这些行动旨在根除药物滥用和阻止参与非法毒品贸易。 The police stated these actions aim to eradicate drug abuse and deter involvement in the illegal drug trade.