JP摩根在政治压力下退出净零银行联盟,但誓言继续气候努力。 JPMorgan exits Net-Zero Banking Alliance amid political pressure but vows to continue climate efforts.
JPorgan宣布退出净零银行联盟,在政治压力下与退出气候联盟的其他美国放款人一道退出气候联盟,特别是来自共和党,共和党认为这种成员资格可能违反反托拉斯法。 JPMorgan has announced its withdrawal from the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, joining other U.S. lenders exiting the climate coalition under political pressure, particularly from Republicans who argue that such memberships may violate anti-trust laws. JP摩根在离开联盟的同时保证,它将继续努力推进低碳技术,并支持客户向去碳化努力过渡。 While leaving the alliance, JPMorgan assured it will still work on advancing low-carbon technologies and supporting clients in transitioning to decarbonization efforts.