新西兰银行面临压力, 要求退出联合国网络零银行联盟(Net Zero Banking Alliance), NZ banks face pressure to quit UN's Net Zero Banking Alliance amid farmer group concerns.
我们敦促新西兰各银行在JP摩根和花旗集团等美国主要银行退出后,离开联合国支持的零净银行联盟。 New Zealand banks are being urged to leave the UN-backed Net Zero Banking Alliance, following the exit of major US banks like JP Morgan and Citigroup. 当地倡导组织 Federated Farmers 已向商务委员会投诉,担心银行的参与可能会限制农民的选择,并可能使那些无法实现排放目标的人“去银行化”。 Federated Farmers, a local advocacy group, has complained to the Commerce Commission, fearing the banks' involvement could limit farmers' choices and potentially "de-bank" those unable to meet emissions targets. 该联盟旨在到2050年实现净零排放。 The alliance aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.