Wells Fargo在共和党的政治压力下退出了净零银行联盟。 Wells Fargo exits Net-Zero Banking Alliance under political pressure from Republicans.
在共和党立法者越来越大的压力下,富国银行(Wells Fargo)继高盛(Goldman Sachs)之后退出了净零银行联盟(Net-Zero Banking Alliance)。 Wells Fargo has left the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, following Goldman Sachs, amid growing pressure from Republican lawmakers. 得克萨斯州总检察长肯·帕克斯顿赞扬这一举动,将其与他的办公室对银行与能源公司关系的审查联系起来。 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton praised the move, linking it to his office's review of the bank's relations with energy companies. 这些变化是金融机构因政治监督而与以气候为重点的团体脱节这一大趋势的一部分。 The departures come as part of a broader trend of financial institutions distancing themselves from climate-focused groups due to political scrutiny.