印度最高法院批评各邦在努力支付退休法官养恤金的同时, Indian Supreme Court criticizes states for offering freebies while struggling to pay retired judges' pensions.
印度最高法院批评各邦政府向公民提供免费服务,同时声称在向退休法官支付工资和养恤金方面受到财政限制。 The Indian Supreme Court criticized state governments for providing freebies to citizens while claiming financial constraints in paying salaries and pensions to retired judges. 全印度法官协会在2015年就养老金增加问题提出抗辩时,在听证会上讨论了这一问题。 This was discussed during a hearing of a 2015 plea by the All India Judges Association regarding pension increases. 总检察长承认有必要考虑司法薪酬决定中的财政限制。 The Attorney General acknowledged the need to consider financial limitations in judicial pay decisions.