印度选举主任呼吁各政党披露其选举“自由党”的财政可行性。 India's election chief calls for political parties to disclose the financial feasibility of their election "freebies."
印度首席选举专员Rajiv Kumar认为很难定义“freebies”, 原因是法律挑战, India's Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar finds it difficult to define "freebies" due to legal challenges, but stresses the need for political parties to disclose the financial feasibility of their election promises. 他警告说,不切实际的免费补贴可能导致各州为支付工资而挣扎。 He warns that unrealistic freebies can lead to states struggling to pay salaries. Kumar呼吁关注国家的财政卫生和财政可持续性, 建议修正《选举法》, 要求政党详细说明竞选承诺的成本和影响。 Kumar calls for a focus on a state's fiscal health and financial sustainability, suggesting an amendment to the Election Code to require parties to detail the costs and impacts of their campaign promises.