中国的三峡大坝 正在减慢地球的旋转 0.06微秒,NASA报告。 China's Three Gorges Dam is slowing Earth's rotation by 0.06 microseconds, NASA reports.
美国航天局报告说,中国的三峡大坝是世界最大的水电项目,正在使地球的旋转速度减慢0.06微秒。 NASA reports that China's Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest hydroelectric project, is slowing Earth's rotation by 0.06 microseconds. 大坝巨大的水库改变了地球的质量 改变了它的惯性和旋转速度 The dam's massive water reservoir shifts Earth's mass, altering its moment of inertia and rotational speed. 这凸显了人类工程对自然系统的影响,并提出了关于这些项目的长期环境后果的问题。 This highlights the impact of human engineering on natural systems and raises questions about the long-term environmental consequences of such projects.