考古学家发现古代耶路撒冷结构用于宗教活动,可追溯到第一圣殿时期。 Archaeologists discover ancient Jerusalem structure used for religious practices, dating back to the First Temple period.
考古学家在耶路撒冷的大卫城发现了一个220平方米的古老建筑,可追溯到第一寺庙时期。 Archaeologists have uncovered a 220-square-meter ancient structure in Jerusalem's City of David, dating back to the First Temple period. 这个保存良好的场所有8个房间,包括一座祭坛、立石、油印机和酒印机。 据信,这些场所被用来从事宗教或宗教活动。 This well-preserved site, featuring eight rooms including an altar, standing stone, oil press, and wine press, is believed to have been used for cultic or religious practices. 由于希西基亚国王的宗教改革,可能由于希西基亚国王的宗教改革将礼拜集中在寺庙内,该建筑在耶路撒冷时期是独一无二的,大约在8世纪的BCE停止使用。 The structure, unique for its time in Jerusalem, ceased use around the 8th century BCE, possibly due to King Hezekiah's religious reforms centralizing worship in the Temple.