在El Paso,一名27岁的妇女被致命刺伤;30岁的嫌疑人后来被抓获。 A 27-year-old woman was fatally stabbed in El Paso; the 30-year-old suspect was later caught.
一名27岁的妇女星期天清晨在Zinc Place600街区的El Paso被致命刺伤。 A 27-year-old woman was fatally stabbed early Sunday morning in El Paso at the 600 block of Zinc Place. 她被送往医院,但后来死亡。 She was taken to the hospital but later died. 30岁的嫌疑人Jorge Albert Chavez被发现离开现场,后来被当局逮捕。 The suspect, 30-year-old Jorge Albert Chavez, was observed leaving the scene and later apprehended by authorities. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.