休斯顿东南部温达卡伦公园 4700 号公寓内发生一起致命刺伤事件,凶手是一对关系时好时坏的男女,最终导致男子死亡。 A deadly stabbing occurred at 4700 Wenda Cullen Park apartments in southeast Houston between a man and woman in an on-and-off relationship, resulting in the man's death.
休斯顿东南部温达卡伦公园 4700 号公寓内发生了一起致命的刺伤事件,起因是一对关系时好时坏的男女之间的口角升级为肢体冲突。 A deadly stabbing occurred at the 4700 Wenda Cullen Park apartments in southeast Houston after a verbal fight between a man and woman in an on-and-off relationship escalated into a physical altercation. 据称,该女子用刀刺伤了该男子,该男子当场被宣布死亡。 The woman allegedly stabbed the man with a knife, and he was pronounced dead at the scene. 事件正在调查中,目前尚不清楚袭击者是谁。 The incident is under investigation, and it remains unclear who was the aggressor.