El Paso警方调查一名40岁男子被致命刺杀的事件, El Paso police investigating fatal stabbing of a 40-year-old man found early Sunday morning.
厄尔帕索警方正在调查星期天清晨在城市西部发生的一起致命刺伤事件。 Police in El Paso are investigating a fatal stabbing that occurred early Sunday morning in the west part of the city. 凌晨4点左右发现一名40岁的男子在博蒙特Pl的5800个街区被刺伤,后来在一家当地医院死亡。 A 40-year-old man was found stabbed in the 5800 block of Beaumont Pl around 4 a.m. and later died at a local hospital. El Paso警察说这起事件似乎孤立无援,侵害人身罪股正在调查更多细节。 El Paso Police say the incident appears isolated, and more details are being investigated by the Crimes Against Persons unit.