妇女强行进入Harris县前男友的公寓后,用刀刺死他。 Woman stabs ex-boyfriend to death after he forcibly enters her apartment in Harris County.
在得克萨斯州西北哈里斯县,一名妇女用刀刺死其前男友,据称他强行闯入FM 1960 Road West的公寓。 A woman in northwest Harris County, Texas, stabbed her ex-boyfriend to death after he allegedly forced his way into her apartment on FM 1960 Road West. 事件发生于深夜,当时发生了一场争吵,引发了一场人身争吵。 The incident occurred late at night following an argument that escalated into a physical altercation. 前男友在医院受伤后死亡。 The ex-boyfriend died from his injuries at the hospital. 哈里斯郡治安官办公室正在调查此案,尚不清楚该妇女是否会面临指控。 The Harris County Sheriff's Office is investigating the case, and it is unclear if the woman will face charges.