在巴基斯坦Pasni的抗议者要求释放失踪的Bolan Kareem, Protesters in Pasni, Pakistan, demand release of disappeared Bolan Kareem on 12th anniversary of his enforced disappearance.
巴基斯坦Pasni居民在Bolan Kareem被强迫失踪12周年之际举行抗议集会,要求释放他和其他失踪人员。 Residents of Pasni, Pakistan, held a protest rally on the 12th anniversary of Bolan Kareem's enforced disappearance, demanding his release and that of other missing persons. 包括许多妇女和儿童在内的抗议者强调,Kareem的家人,特别是他的母亲遭受了痛苦,她等了12年才回来。 Protesters, including many women and children, highlighted the suffering of Kareem's family, especially his mother, who has waited 12 years for his return. 他们敦促当局将被拘留者送上法庭,而不是不经审判就拘留他们。 They urged authorities to present detainees in court rather than holding them without trial.