3 月 17 日,巴基斯坦执法部门残酷指控希达亚特·洛哈尔 (Hidayat Lohar) 家人的抗议活动,并在拉卡纳逮捕了包括他女儿在内的几名活动人士。 On 17th March, Pakistani law enforcement brutally charged a protest by Hidayat Lohar's family, arresting several activists, including his daughters, in Larkana.
巴基斯坦执法机构残酷地警棍指控已故社会活动家希达亚特·洛哈尔的家人组织的抗议活动,导致包括他女儿在内的几名活动人士被捕。 Pakistan's law enforcement agencies brutally baton charged a protest organised by the family of late social activist Hidayat Lohar, resulting in the arrest of several activists, including his daughters. 示威活动于3月17日在拉卡纳举行。 The demonstration took place in Larkana on 17th March. 信德省失踪人员之声(VMPS)在社交媒体上分享了这一信息,谴责巴基斯坦暴力镇压异见人士的行为。 The Voice for Missing Persons of Sindh (VMPS) shared this information on social media, condemning the violent suppression of dissent in Pakistan.