一名乘客指控一名美国航空公司随行人员在巴勒斯坦团结保险针上进行反犹主义,导致该乘客被驱走。 A passenger accused an American Airlines attendant of antisemitism over a Palestinian solidarity pin, leading to the passenger's removal.
一名犹太乘客指控一名美国航空公司在飞往迈阿密的航班上搭乘反犹主义航班的乘务员身着与巴勒斯坦团结有关的西瓜针。 A Jewish passenger accused an American Airlines flight attendant of antisemitism on a Miami-bound flight due to the attendant wearing a watermelon pin associated with Palestinian solidarity. 这名乘客记录了该事件,据称受到歧视,后来在拒绝删除录像后被从飞机上带走,这违反了航空公司的政策。 The passenger, who recorded the incident, alleged discrimination and was later removed from the plane after refusing to delete the footage, which is against airline policy. 美国航空公司表示,它们的目标是确保所有客户都有一个积极的旅行经验。 American Airlines stated they aim to ensure a positive travel experience for all customers.