新泽西人因威胁乘客和机组人员 搭乘迈阿密到纽瓦克的航班而被起诉 New Jersey man charged after threatening passengers and crew on a Miami-to-Newark flight.
一名新泽西人Luis Vaquero因威胁搭乘迈阿密至纽瓦克航班的乘客、乘务人员和机组人员而被起诉。 A New Jersey man, Luis Vaquero, was charged after threatening passengers, attendants, and crew on a Miami-to-Newark flight. 他嘲弄犹太乘客,威胁一名残疾未成年人,并辱骂一名空姐。 He mocked Jewish passengers, threatened a disabled minor, and verbally abused a flight attendant. 瓦克罗着陆后,撞上了驾驶舱的门,诅咒船长,导致执法部门逮捕了他。 Upon landing, Vaquero banged on the cockpit door and cursed at the captain, leading to his arrest by law enforcement. 当局强调致力于空中安全和起诉此类威胁。 Authorities emphasized their commitment to air safety and prosecuting such threats.