有关RTE的新纪录片探索爱尔兰律师Michael Lynn的故事, 他带着8000万欧元的欺诈和债务逃离爱尔兰律师Michael Lynn。 New documentary on RTÉ explores the story of Irish solicitor Michael Lynn, who fled with €80M in fraud and debts.
前爱尔兰律师迈克尔·林恩(Michael Lynn)以8 000万欧元的欺诈贷款和1 200万欧元欠私人投资者的债务逃离爱尔兰。 A new RTÉ documentary series, "Michael Lynn: The Fugitive," explores the story of former Irish solicitor Michael Lynn, who fled with €80 million in fraudulent loans and €12 million in debts to private investors. Lynn于2023年因从银行偷窃近1 800万欧元而被定罪。 Lynn was convicted in 2023 of stealing nearly €18 million from banks. 这部纪录片揭示了与保加利亚商业伙伴的新联系,并展示了 Lynn 的妻子访问公司账户。 The documentary reveals new links to a Bulgarian business associate and shows Lynn's wife accessing company accounts. 报告突出说明了对受害者的影响以及失踪资金的持续谜团。 It highlights the impact on victims and the ongoing mystery of the missing funds.