DPP 调查与被定罪的小偷迈克尔·林恩有关的资产,包括银行账户中的 280 万欧元和一栋房子。 DPP investigates assets linked to convicted thief Michael Lynn, including €2.8m in bank accounts and a house.
公诉人正在调查声名狼藉的前律师迈克尔·林恩 (Michael Lynn) 的资产是否为其 1800 万欧元银行盗窃案的收益,其中包括银行账户中的 280 万欧元和一栋威克洛房屋。 The DPP is investigating whether assets linked to disgraced former solicitor Michael Lynn, including €2.8m in bank accounts and a Wicklow house, are the benefits of his €18m bank thefts. 此次调查是在林恩被控 21 项盗窃罪名中 10 项被定罪之后展开的。 The investigation follows Lynn's conviction for 10 of the 21 theft charges against him. 检察总长还在调查葡萄牙被没收的300万欧元资产是否与他的罪行有关。 The DPP is also looking into whether €3m in confiscated assets in Portugal are linked to his crimes.