2024年,随着公司转向利润更高的市场,伦敦证券交易所的除名记录创纪录。 London Stock Exchange saw record delistings in 2024 as companies moved to more lucrative markets.
2024年,伦敦证券交易所(LSE)记录了最平静的一年,88家公司从名单上除名或转移其主要上市名单,这是自2009年全球金融危机以来最大的外流。 In 2024, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) saw its quietest year on record with 88 companies delisting or moving their primary listings, marking the largest outflow since the 2009 global financial crisis. 公司因流动性下降和估值下降而离开,在别处寻求更好的投资机会,特别是在美国。 Companies left due to declining liquidity and lower valuations, seeking better investment opportunities elsewhere, particularly in the US. 2010年以来,LSE记录的新上市数量最低,只有18个初次公开报价(IPOs),而从上市或转让的公司只有93个。 The LSE recorded the lowest number of new listings since 2010, with only 18 initial public offerings (IPOs) compared to 93 companies that delisted or transferred.