今年超过45家公司已离开伦敦证券交易所,表明由于外国投资而发生重大转变。 Over 45 companies have left the London Stock Exchange this year, signaling a major shift due to foreign investment.
自2024年初以来,已有45家公司离开伦敦证券交易所(LSE),这是十多年来的最高比率。 Since the start of 2024, 45 companies have left the London Stock Exchange (LSE), marking the highest rate in over a decade. 外国投资公司正在积极收购以联合王国为基地的公司,英国股票市场交易的折扣为40%。 Foreign investment firms are actively acquiring UK-based companies, with the British stock market trading at a 40% discount. 这一趋势正在吸引投资者,导致国际行为者进行大规模交易,有可能改变LSE未来的构成。 This trend is attracting investors, leading to large-scale deals by international players potentially reshaping the LSE's future composition.