中国华建集团公司称赞其在埃塞俄比亚投资150万埃塞俄比亚元,创造了12 000个就业机会。 Chinese firm Huajian Group lauded for $150M investment in Ethiopia, creating 12,000 jobs.
埃塞俄比亚政府赞扬华建集团(Huajian Group)在埃塞俄比亚投资超过1.5亿美元, 创造超过12,000个就业机会, The Ethiopian government has commended the Chinese firm Huajian Group for investing over $150 million in Ethiopia, creating more than 12,000 jobs and fostering technology transfer. Huajian自2011年以来一直非常活跃,并被视为中国“带和道路倡议”的成功范例。 Huajian has been active since 2011 and is seen as a successful example of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. 该公司表示有兴趣在埃塞俄比亚政府的持续支持下投资于Dire Dawa自由贸易区。 The company has shown interest in investing in the Dire Dawa Free Trade Zone, with continued support from the Ethiopian government.