中国投资的安哥拉华通铝业工业园项目投资额为16亿美元,分5期建设,预计将创造12,000个就业岗位并实现经济多元化。 Chinese-invested Huatong Aluminum Industrial Park in Angola, a $1.6B, 5-phase project expected to create 12,000 jobs and diversify economy.
中国在安哥拉投资的工业园区有望打造完整的产业链,促进国家工业发展,助力经济多元化。 Chinese-invested industrial park in Angola is expected to create a comprehensive industry chain, boosting national industry and aiding economic diversification. 华通铝工业园由河北华通电线电缆集团和华通安哥拉实业公司投资建设,分五期建设,总投资16亿美元。 Huatong Aluminum Industrial Park, backed by Hebei Huatong Wire and Cables Group and Huatong Angola Industry, will be executed in 5 phases with a $1.6B investment. 该项目包括氧化铝制备、铝电解和产品制造,预计将创造12,000个就业岗位。 The project, which includes alumina preparation, aluminum electrolysis, and product manufacturing, is anticipated to generate 12,000 jobs.