肯尼亚的中国工厂推广绿色做法, 突显“带”与“道路倡议”的全球影响。 Chinese factory in Kenya boosts green practices, highlighting Belt and Road Initiative's global impact.
肯尼亚一家中国工厂正在提高能源效率,采取绿色做法,这反映了海上丝绸之路在促进贸易和文化交流方面的作用。 A Chinese factory in Kenya is enhancing energy efficiency and adopting green practices, reflecting the Maritime Silk Road's role in boosting trade and cultural exchange. 在温州举行的2024年市长交流会议突出了技术在智能港口、制造业和城市规划中的作用。 The 2024 Mayors Exchange Conference in Wenzhou highlights technology's role in smart ports, manufacturing, and urban planning. 中国公司在 " 贝尔特 " 和 " 道路倡议 " 国家投资超过3300亿美元,去年直接投资增加了31.5%。 Chinese companies have invested over $330 billion in Belt and Road Initiative countries, with a 31.5% increase in direct investment last year. 这项倡议被视为促进全球合作和文化交流。 The initiative is seen as fostering global cooperation and cultural exchange.