白金汉郡的社会关怀满意度 与英格兰的平均水平相近 在资金短缺的警告之下 Buckinghamshire's social care satisfaction trails England's average, amid warnings of a funding shortfall.
一项全国调查发现,英格兰各地对社会护理的满意程度差别很大,白金汉郡的得分低于平均63.7%,而东南地区平均得分为67%,英格兰平均得分为65.4%。 A national survey found that satisfaction with social care varies widely across England, with Buckinghamshire scoring below average at 63.7%, compared to the South East average of 67% and England's average of 65.4%. ADASS警告说,最近的预算变化可能使情况恶化,可能造成13亿英镑的短缺。 ADASS warns that recent budget changes could worsen the situation, potentially creating a £1.3 billion shortfall. 卫生和社会照料部计划在2025-26年向地方当局再提供35亿英镑,以支持社会照料。 The Department of Health and Social Care plans to provide an additional £3.5 billion to local authorities in 2025-26 to support social care.