B&Q 提供 14.97 英镑的箔片来反射散热器热量,将家庭能源成本降低多达 50%。 B&Q offers a £14.97 foil to reflect radiator heat, cutting home energy costs by up to 50%.
B&Q 出售一种售价 14.97 英镑的铝制散热器反射器箔,声称可以将家庭热量损失减少多达 50%,有助于减少能源费用。 B&Q sells a £14.97 aluminium radiator reflector foil that claims to cut home heat loss by up to 50%, helping to reduce energy bills. 5m2反射薄被设计在散热器后面,以反射回房间的热量,减少墙壁失去的温暖。 The 5m2 reflective sheet is designed to be placed behind radiators to reflect heat back into rooms, reducing warmth lost through walls. 随着英国能源价格上涨,这一产品和其他零售商的类似替代产品可以帮助家庭节省资金。 With UK energy prices rising, this product and similar alternatives from other retailers may help households save money.