供暖专家警告常见的散热器问题,联合王国冬季能源开支可能高达130英镑。 Heating experts warn common radiator issues could add up to £130 to UK winter energy bills.
暖气专家警告说,常见的散热器问题可能使英国家庭在冬季能源开支上多花130英镑。 Heating experts warn that common radiator issues could be costing UK households up to £130 extra on winter energy bills. 被困的空气、有缺陷的阀门、不均匀的热水分配和低锅炉压力等问题很容易通过出血的散热器、检查阀门、平衡系统以及调整锅炉压力来解决。 Problems like trapped air, faulty valves, uneven hot water distribution, and low boiler pressure can be easily fixed by bleeding radiators, checking valves, balancing the system, and adjusting boiler pressure. 解决这些问题能够提高取暖效率并节省资金。 Addressing these issues can improve heating efficiency and save money.