波士顿警方与一个在Hyde Park家被枪击后 把自己关在家中的人谈判。 Boston police negotiate with man who barricaded himself in a Hyde Park home after a gunshot was fired.
波士顿警方正在应对一个情况 一个男人把自己关在Hyde公园Hopewell路的一所房屋里 Boston police are responding to a situation where a man has barricaded himself in a home on Hopewell Road in Hyde Park. 星期一凌晨3时30分左右,事件开始,有人开枪,尽管没有向军官开枪。 The incident began around 3:30 a.m. on Monday, and a gun was fired, though not at officers. 当局正在与嫌疑人谈判,并劝告公众避开该地区。 Authorities are negotiating with the suspect and have advised the public to avoid the area.