德克萨斯州皮尔兰的男子在向警察开枪后,将自己封锁;在对峙后投降. Man in Pearland, Texas, barricades himself after shooting at officers; surrenders after standoff.
一名男子在德克萨斯州Pearland的一所公寓中设置路障,当时他向警察开枪,他们接到电话说邻居家门口有弹孔。 A man barricaded himself in an apartment in Pearland, Texas, after firing at officers who responded to a call about bullet holes in a neighbor's door. 在SWAT卷入了三小时的对峙之后,嫌疑人和平投降,没有报告任何受伤,尽管向警察发射了几发子弹。 Following a three-hour standoff involving SWAT, the suspect surrendered peacefully without any injuries reported, though several rounds were fired at the officers. 该名男子被拘押,但尚没有关于他或潜在指控的进一步详情。 The man was taken into custody, but further details about him or potential charges are not yet available.