阿塞拜疆国家交响乐厅每月恢复音乐会,包括弦乐四重奏、合唱团和各种音乐演出。 Azerbaijan's State Philharmonic Hall resumes monthly concerts, featuring a string quartet, choir, and diverse musical performances.
阿塞拜疆国家交响乐厅在文化部的支持下重新启动了每月订阅音乐会系列。 The Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Hall has restarted its monthly subscription concert series, supported by the Ministry of Culture. 阿塞拜疆国家弦乐四重奏团(合唱团)的表演, 以及一场名为“从巴洛克到现代的旅程”的音乐会。 Concerts, held every Saturday in December, featured performances by the Azerbaijan State String Quartet, a choir group, and a diverse music concert titled "Journey from Baroque to Modernity." 订阅票持有者可在当月内参加所有预定的活动。 Subscription ticket holders can attend all scheduled events within the month.