阿塞拜疆举办圣诞音乐会「来与礼拜」, Azerbaijan hosts Christmas concert "Come and Worship" to celebrate Nativity and promote interfaith harmony.
亚塞拜疆的室内和器官音乐厅将于12月25日举办一个名为"来拜"的圣诞音乐会, The Chamber and Organ Music Hall in Azerbaijan will host a Christmas concert titled "Come and Worship" on December 25th, organized by the Christian community Vineyard Azerbaijan. 该活动庆祝基督的降生,在一个以宽容和多元文化著称的国家促进不同信仰间的和谐。 The event celebrates the Nativity of Christ and promotes interfaith harmony in a country known for its tolerance and multiculturalism. 媒体伙伴包括Azenews、Trend、Day和Milli。 Media partners include Azernews, Trend, Day, and Milli.